Monday 30 December 2013

ADIOS 2014

The year is about to end ...with few mistakes and few credits in my name, with few sadistic moments and glories of happiness shared with my buddies. Getting down to the starting line and taking a deep breath and starting again. Let the past be gone and rejoice the moments of future.

To all those who could buy the happiness with money and to all those who enjoy it in each and every moment of life. One for whom the happiness lies in the joy of mankind and to all those for whom their very own present is everything.

For those like #SIRarvindKEJRIWAL who reinstated our belief in democracy and worked for AAM AADMI and for those like #AnnaHAZARE who have spent their whole life for betterment of others. Remembering the martyrs like #ALBERTekka, #UNNIKRISHNAN, #VikramBATRA, AND many more and for people like MS DHONI, ABDUL KALAM, CNR RAO, RAGHURAM RAJAN, SACHIN who have made us proud on a global level. For those names mentioned here and for those names not been mentioned here


This yearbook has almost been closed....ending and ready to be piled up in the memoirs of future. Smile......laugh.. forget Ur worries and be happy because there is something great lying in the future.

Live your LIFE and Live your DREAMS (Y)
Try to rewind the clock , remember those moments,

-When u cried for someone.
-When u smiled for someone.
-When u lived for someone.
-When u cared for someone.
-When u did good for someone.
-When u helped that needy someone.
-When u wasted Ur time for someone.
-When u met someone.
-When u ignored Ur loved ones for someone.
-When u loved someone.

WHEN U RAN after someone.....when u were mad at someone.... when u were sad at someone.....when u were angry at someone......when u were busy with someone and at last u were left with no one.

It has not been late, get up..... don't be worried about

Change, Renew and Rejuvenate yourself ....
Decide what you want and put a step forward. The obstacles of your past can never block your way to the shining future. Have a belief in your own self.

You have been born with everything you need so that you can achieve your dreams. Just work hard. Smile and move toward future.

ADIEU 2013 :) BUBYEE ^_^ :)