Friday 24 July 2015

हर लम्हें मुझे याद है

जो बातें हुई वो मुझे याद है,
हर वक्त हर मुलाकात मुझे याद है ।।

कहते हैं लोग क्यों रोते हो उन यादों को संजोए,
हम क्या बताएं ऊन्हे की इन लमहों में छिपे  कैसे जज़्बात हैं ।
हर लम्हें मुझे याद है।।

कल थी प्यार की बातें तो आज नफरत का दौर,
अब हैं सिर्फ यादें कल की बात थी कुछ और ।
हर लम्हें मुझे याद है।।

वो लम्हें जो हमने साथ बिताए,
वो शामें जो ऊन्हें याद किया,
हर पल हर  वक्त मुझे याद है ।
वो  भी मुझे याद है ।
उनका प्यार भी मुझे याद है ।
हर लम्हें मुझे याद है ।।

हम चाहें न चाहें जुड़े हुए कई जज़्बात हैं ।
हर लम्हें मुझे याद है ।।

ज़िंदगी बढ़ेगी वक्त भी बढ़ेगा,
पर किसी से न कहेंगे की तू मुझे याद है ।
किसी से न कहेंगे हर वक्त हर मुलाकात मुझे याद है ।।
किसी से न कहेंगे हर लम्हें मुझे याद है ।।

Monday 30 December 2013

ADIOS 2014

The year is about to end ...with few mistakes and few credits in my name, with few sadistic moments and glories of happiness shared with my buddies. Getting down to the starting line and taking a deep breath and starting again. Let the past be gone and rejoice the moments of future.

To all those who could buy the happiness with money and to all those who enjoy it in each and every moment of life. One for whom the happiness lies in the joy of mankind and to all those for whom their very own present is everything.

For those like #SIRarvindKEJRIWAL who reinstated our belief in democracy and worked for AAM AADMI and for those like #AnnaHAZARE who have spent their whole life for betterment of others. Remembering the martyrs like #ALBERTekka, #UNNIKRISHNAN, #VikramBATRA, AND many more and for people like MS DHONI, ABDUL KALAM, CNR RAO, RAGHURAM RAJAN, SACHIN who have made us proud on a global level. For those names mentioned here and for those names not been mentioned here


This yearbook has almost been closed....ending and ready to be piled up in the memoirs of future. Smile......laugh.. forget Ur worries and be happy because there is something great lying in the future.

Live your LIFE and Live your DREAMS (Y)
Try to rewind the clock , remember those moments,

-When u cried for someone.
-When u smiled for someone.
-When u lived for someone.
-When u cared for someone.
-When u did good for someone.
-When u helped that needy someone.
-When u wasted Ur time for someone.
-When u met someone.
-When u ignored Ur loved ones for someone.
-When u loved someone.

WHEN U RAN after someone.....when u were mad at someone.... when u were sad at someone.....when u were angry at someone......when u were busy with someone and at last u were left with no one.

It has not been late, get up..... don't be worried about

Change, Renew and Rejuvenate yourself ....
Decide what you want and put a step forward. The obstacles of your past can never block your way to the shining future. Have a belief in your own self.

You have been born with everything you need so that you can achieve your dreams. Just work hard. Smile and move toward future.

ADIEU 2013 :) BUBYEE ^_^ :) 

Thursday 21 November 2013

CREEPY NIGHTS- Through the eyes of ruptured soul

Replete darkness well supported by the weird noises. Nothing could be spotted even till a long distance except few street lights. She was crying. Going back to past they were happy together since school days. 7 long years had passed and they were planning to marry each other. But today a huge fight broke between both on a small issue and she was not ready to listen anything. She left the home in anger and with her small broken foot steps she was walking down the empty streets. Her heart could not devoid from emotions. The eyes were moist. Feet were numb and shivering with pain breaking the silence of night.

They loved each other a lot. He tried calling her a lot but she was not ready to pick his calls. Walking ahead lost in her own thoughts suddenly she realized as if some shadows are following her. She was now sure of not being all alone on that empty dark road. Firstly she tried to ignore them but the running footsteps made her completely scared. She almost lost her thinking power and tried to run away as fast as she could. She was blanched away from that unknown scary person. That evil was nearing her with each passing moment. 

She tried calling him; finally he picked up the call. 


And suddenly a loud wails..... A tenacious grip had held her whole body pulling her from behind..... She wanted to cry out loud for help but she could not shout as he held her mouth with his hands and the other one helped in dragging her.

She could not fight for her release as the evil's grip was strong enough to restrict her movements. No one was there to help her in the darkness and slowly the sounds could not be heard. She was helpless and the sounds of protest and shadows where lost somewhere in the horrifying darkness.

HELLO! CAN YOU HEAR ME?? PLEASE SPEAK UP JAAN. KAHAN HO? KUCH BOLO?? Nothing could be done. He was shouting on the phone but was helpless as there was no one to answer him. She was lost in the darkness.

When an impotent mentality was trying to prove it's dominance on a - 

Sunday 10 November 2013


Life is mean and people here also turn out to be like a sudden epiphany. You can never speculate where will life take you and how will people react. Just be silent, ignore the odds and live even if you can with a smirk on your face. Whether life is worse or beautiful you have to live it and stroll along with it till end. It is a feeling attached to your heart which cannot be isolated as long as the person is operative in this world.

It is just the soul which is enduring and expecting the character and love of a person to be the same always is one thing you’ll always regret in your life. Loving a person may be one thing you would find as a dream which you will be living day by day and no one will realize your dream until you make people aware about your feelings.

LOVE WITHOUT EXPECTATIONS or EXPECT PAIN in return because the world returns you as operate with people because the astringent reality of life is that you find rare ones these days who live without selfish motives.

Khamoshi nahi kisi cheez ka jawab,
Jawab dil mein hi reh jaye toh ban jata hai khwab.
Khwabon ko jeena un patto se seekho,
Jo khud dhup seh kar bhi dusro ko chaaw de jate hain.

Akhir zindagi bhi toh ek sishe ki tarah hai,
Jo har cheez ko khud mein samet leti hai.
Jo karte ho tum har pal har waqt,
Waise hi tumhare karmon ka faal deti hai.

Zindagi se shikayat ho toh jee naa sakoge,
Pane ki ho chahat jise use keh naa sakoge.
Har pal ko anmol lamhon ki tarah jeena,
Kya pata un lamhon ko kal paa naa sakoge.




Tuesday 8 November 2011

DIARY OF MY LIFE (17th october 2011- 3:45 A.M.)


LIFE............ LIVE INDEPENDENLY FEARLESSLY TILL END. Well it's easy to say but very difficult to follow. Life is all about hoping. Hope a beautiful thing. It is expecting the unexpected, to believe the implausible, to fly even when your feet is stuck in the dark mud of the pestilential agony and loss of worth.  It is indeed one of the languages in which god at some end of this universe speaks to us in his sincere, grey and comforting tone.

To be agitated is a state which we all have so become habituated to. We believe that resilience will slowly spread its silken wings and descend on our parched souls, long lost in fits of despondency and contemplative and meticulously crafte pity.

I was spoken to today in many ways which are not only the most unusual but least expected. As fate and estiny are the instruments in the hand of invisible omnipresence,I won't delve on them much. I speak of those incidents and happenings in my life which made my faith stronger and resolve impermeable. I won't saunter into the grey zone of my belief and phases of agnosticism. I won't speak of the tones in which i was comforted and assured. That all is kind of  personal. And know i am going to speak up of my messy day with  the treasures  and my sweet sister who is always beside me.

RYA RAY my sister, friend. She is always there in my life to lighten up my hope when i fall.  I thank god for sending this idiot in my life whose support i always at every particular stage of my life, i speak of about my sister here because has today i am going through a phase of sadness which to my luck i hope so has ended now. My sister has not only uplifted me from the nooks of some creepy ailey but also fed me wit something that was both deafening and enamouring at the same point.

QUEEN i am using out this name here so that others don't get to now about my friend of this. I am sitting aimlessly and hyperventilating over how i fared in this task of keeping this friend of mine happy and whether succes is elusive here i had strong urge to say sorry to her becausemy actons and my talks had hurt her. And this was visible in the talks between 3 of us including 3rd friend of ours MOTI. It was like i was totally put aside in the conversation today and this this strange twist of fatehad happened to me because of my mistakes. I think i have a strange and fearsome compatibility with these two here. I  am scared to mess with these two but i had messed up and i had to bear out the consequences.

The talk had continued for around 2 hours today and it was all about my idiotic and not to be accepted behaviour. Both of them were speaking up in rowdy tones of uncouth hoodwinks, in tones of sadness  and depressions and in guffaws of laughter smirked across with their smiles but all through i was quiet because i was wrong and just i was listening.

I was asked about a lot of questions  and i had answer to nly few of them. What could i say just than asking one more chance which at last was granted to me. I hope to make everything all right tommorow when i'll meet them because the things slowly seem to be on he right rack, and this is all because  i had hope, hope to get evrything right......... everything happy as usual.

Thus even in our frantic search for answers, we could relate to he possibility of a perfect plate life is bound to serve as and when the time arrives and the destiny's bell is struck. I just want to tell both of my friend that i never mean to hurt someone by my actions, it's just i speak without thinking something but i treasue you both down in my heart and i would assure in every way to keep you both smiling.

I think that there is no good way to close something which has such a deep impact on you in such a short span. may be at times we know what is right and what is to be done. May be we have our paths charted out. but all that is required is a sense of reassurane to resurrect us from our own ashes. I found that flight in more than one ways  today, one is strictly about this telephonic conversation with these 2 sweet friends of mine and the other is my sister RYA whom i always think of when i am in troubles and i get out of it.

I am feeling tired and i can now go o sleep hoping out that everything is right tommorow.Now i am going to end up.